Acupoints & Essential Oils: Liver 8 & Bergamot or Geranium May 15, 2024


Welcome to this month's Acupressure and Essential Oils series!

This month's acupoint is for you if you experience discomfort during the...

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Acupoints & Essential Oils: Small Intestine 3 & Wintergreen Jan 30, 2024


Welcome to this month's Acupressure and Essential Oils series!

If you missed our previous posts in the series, you can catch up on...

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Acupoints & Essential Oils: San Jiao 10 & Petitgrain Dec 15, 2023


Welcome back to the Acupressure and Essential Oils series!

If you missed our previous posts, don't worry. You can catch up on the blog posts...

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Acu Points & Essential Oils: Large Intestine 11 and Zengest Blend Nov 27, 2023


Welcome back to the Acupressure and Essential Oils series, where I introduce you to the basics of acupressure and essential oils. If you...

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Acu Points & Essential Oils: Lung 5 and Eucalyptus Oct 26, 2023


Welcome to the first of a series on acupressure and essential oils.

Each month, I will introduce you to one point and show you how to take...

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Meridian Flow Acupuncture Treatment Oct 26, 2023


“Show me your tongue” is often one of the first things I ask when you come to see me in my Clinic.

Seeing your tongue shows me a...

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Preparing for Spring Feb 17, 2022

It’s been a little while since I sat down to write, I was in winter study mode and nourishing the seeds of my life vision by resting, going...

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Acupressure to support your body’s self-healing capacity Oct 23, 2021

How is your Qi?

In Chinese medicine, it's common knowledge that smooth flowing Qi is the key ingredient for health. Stagnant or blocked Qi causes...

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Acupressure for the Lung meridian Sep 14, 2021

Here is a simple sequence to tonify (increase/nourish) your Lung Qi (energy) and support your breathing. 



Here's what to...

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Nourish your Center Aug 19, 2021

“What is well planted cannot be uprooted.

What is well embraced cannot slip away“ 

Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching chapter 54

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What do you feel during and after Acupuncture? Jul 13, 2021

My very first Acupuncture treatment was not a comfortable experience as I was left lying on a barren, plastic-covered table, in my underwear with...

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Nourish your Fire Jun 16, 2021

Our Fire aspect represents fulfilment: the expression and integration of our being, including our expansion, maturation and development.


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